A great way to get a little something extra coming in during the summer months is to grow your own vegetables then sell them on. Package them in paper or cardboard which will be a winner with everyone trying to cut down on plastic.
Vegetables and or fruit can be grown in your own garden or on an allotment (or if you have a neighbour who has a big garden you could ask to use some of their space for free vegetables for them). A scheme has been set up to help local communities to encourage members to exchange produce so they can enjoy a variety of goods.
The Flower Pot Man has some great information about growing and selling your own vegetables and includes a list of places where you could sell them - "Get the timing right for car boot sales, display the produce on a stall at the gate or driveway to your house, grow old fashioned and rare varieties of vegetables plants from seed, sell to local greengrocers, specialist restaurants and delis or even swap produce for a service."
A great magazine which has information on every type of vegetable and fruit is the Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables Magazine, which has great offers if you subscribe to the magazine, it's also available as an app which is great if you need to check something about a particular crop while working on it.
A best selling book on Amazon, "Allotment Month By Month: How to Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg" by Alan Buckingham has over 250 customer reviews.
A great magazine which has information on every type of vegetable and fruit is the Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables Magazine, which has great offers if you subscribe to the magazine, it's also available as an app which is great if you need to check something about a particular crop while working on it.
A best selling book on Amazon, "Allotment Month By Month: How to Grow Your Own Fruit and Veg" by Alan Buckingham has over 250 customer reviews.
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