Monday, 14 March 2016


Spring has just arrived and your garden is looking a bit tired but it could be used to bring you in some extra cash.

Is your garden to big for you to look after ? Well why not turn it into allotments. Growing your own vegetables has become so popular that there are waiting lists for allotments.

It's not going to make you a fortune as on average, allotments in Britain cost between £10 - £30 a year but if you have a large garden that you struggle to maintain yourself, then this could be a perfect way to get around it.

You could also grow your own vegetables and save money as well as make some money at the same time. Look at Plot Search  and the governments Apply for an Allotment   in case you need to apply for permission. Another good site is the National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardens.

There is lots of help from Allotment Garden  and also Channel 4's Program River Cottage has a great article on How to Start An Allotment

If you love your garden and feel it's well worth opening to the public then open your garden to the public through NGS, and sell your plants to the general public that come to see your garden. You could grow edible flowers which have become fashionable with gourmet and health food stores. You could even start a Beekeeping business from your garden. 

This great site Profitable Plants  explains how for 8 hours a week you could earn money growing herbs for profit in your backyard garden. Another site Low Cost Living has lots of ideas on how to make money from your garden.

Finally,  do you think your garden could be used for a film set ? Film crews can be a tad intrusive but you can earn quite a lot from renting it out to them. Some great sites to take a look at are Film Locations UK, Lavish Locations , or Location Works.

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