Would you like to earn a little bit of extra money simply by using your computer? Well, this is an extremely easy way to earn some extra money, simply by sitting with your laptop, tablet, or computer once a day and checking out what is available online.
We've covered blogging and article writing which is one of the biggest money makers online at the moment, but if you are not that keen on this sort of work online there are other ways to make some extra money.
Competitions is something anyone can do. You see them on the back of soup packets, in magazines, and of course online. A few useful items to buy before you start competitions is a rhyming dictionary, quote books, and any other type of competition book you can find on the shelf. Often all entering involves is filling in an online form or sending a postcard, sometimes answering a question or tie-breaker.
There are a number of excellent sites online which are well worth investing in if you fancy giving this a go. UK Competitions is a free site to get you going but you can also become a member for access to more competitions. Competitions Time is another free online resource who collect details of the best free online UK competitions from websites that are offering prizes for you to win with new competitions added daily. Another well known site is The Prize Finder which offers 3,000+ FREE competitions every month and they also track all the competitions you have entered. Simply Prizes has been established for more than 15 years and has a handy handbag size Magazine with 48 pages of competitions to go through. Finally NOW Daily Magazine which has daily competitions and prize draws to enter.
The well know Martin Lewis's Money Saving Expert's site has a lot of information on Competitions and he even has a Comping Forum. Super Lucky Me is a brilliant site and lists UK competition companies and written by a serial comper who has won over £250,000 in prizes !!!! and has written her own book 'SuperLuckySecrets' - the essential compers handbook, no on its 2nd edition, packed with her winning tips. Another great book is 'Win Competitions Online' by David Fuentes, this book is an essential guide to take with you on a journey into the world of comping and may well be your key to a fortune.
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